Shree Laxmi Enterprises is one of the leading construction machinery manufacturer companies in India.
With a strong history of innovation, the company’s impressive portfolio includes random machinery, cement bulk unloading machine, anti smog gun, pile cage, conc bucket, smog tower, cement feeding pump, etc. SLE has a consolidated presence across major infrastructure, construction, heavy engineering and industrial projects.
Shree Laxmi Enterprises established in early 2000, began its operations as a spare parts supplier at the age of 20 by Mr. Yogesh Gupta. The company stands tall as the chief producer of experimental machinery that is imported to India along with construction machinery (~2005 (Partnership Over, Independent), Make in India. It also became the construction machinery manufacturer partnership, silos, batching plants, TM Buckets, cement pumps, etc.
The workforce comprises qualified professionals having undaunted commitment towards total quality management and our strength lies in standardization of class products.

The world of big and large cities seems glamourous from outside but however the sight you have within might be so happy and
obscure that you can’t even see the horizon. This might be because of the smokyor the fog which is nonetheless called as Smog
How smog is formed?
Smog is formed when sunlight and its heat react with the gases and fine particles released into atmosphere through burnt fuels.
The complex photochemical reactions between the precursors like volatile organic compounds, Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen
dioxide a release the ground level ozone and fine particles in the air.